App V1 and V2 | Invoices: Adjusted invoicing for rebookings BUGFIX: For rebookings, the invoice, if available, is now canceled in the old booking and a new invoice is created for the new "re" booking. Payments are transferred to these invoices.
APP2 | ADV contracts for Google Cloud INFO: Our ADV contract version 4.7 for V1 and V2 has been updated and expanded to include Google Zurich as a server location, among other things.
App V1 and V2 | Country list UPDATE: The list of countries in edoobox has been updated with 52 new entries.
App V2 | Translations UPDATE: Further translations have been added and adapted.
App V1 and V2 | PayPal UPDATE: The new integration of PayPal has been improved, now each additional payment system can be activated and deactivated individually. The loading time is as fast as usual again.
App V1 und V2 | E-Mail-Vorlagen FEATURE: Neu kann eine EACH-Schlaufe für Teilnehmende in einer Buchung verwendet werden. Mit {EACH?BookingUsers} wird die Schlaufe gestartet, mit {ENDEACH} geschlossen. Es stehen zusätzliche diese Platzhalter innerhalb der Schlaufe zur Verfügung: (ID, Salutation, Firstname, Lastname, Email). In BookingUsers werden nur aktive Teilnehmende ausgegeben, welche mit einem Angebot verknüpft sind (inkl. Warteliste) jedoch nicht Kontaktpersonen, die nicht aktive Teilnehmende eines Angebots sind. Der Code dazu sieht wie folgt aus: {EACH?BookingUsers} ##Firstname## ##Lastname##{ENDEACH} und mehr Informationen dazu finden Sie in dieser Dokumentation.
WP Plugin | Authentication FEATURE: In the new update, the plugin has been given the option of authentication with either the standard environment (APP1) or now with the APP2 environment.
Zapier | Connections FEATURE: In the new update, Zapier has been given the option of making a connection with either the standard environment (APP1) or the new APP2 environment.
Zapier | Create User Trigger UPDATE: The trigger has been adjusted so that the name of the assigned country is also displayed along with the ID.