New design UPDATE: The service has been given a completely new design with this new release:
The sub-registers have been sorted in a more user-friendly way
A navigation path is now available for a better overview. This makes it even easier for you to navigate back and forth between entities (bookings, participants, invoices, etc.).
Existing components (tables, calendars, input fields, etc.) have been made more performant, efficient and user-friendly.
Billing address FEATURE: A new form field (country) has been added to the billing address in the booking.
Number format UPDATE: With the new update, the number format setting is also adopted for entering transactions and other number entries. For example, if you have set a comma as the decimal separator, you can only use the comma as a separator in the number input fields.
Ticketing UPDATE: The barcode panel is now only displayed in the customer view if the barcode setting has been activated. In the booking view , the barcode is displayed if it has a barcode, the barcode setting is active or the setting for the specific offer allows barcodes.
Ticket PDF UPDATE: On the final page of the frontend booking process, the Ticket.pdf can be reissued for all bookings.
Multi-offer UPDATE: Expansion and further development of the multi-offer.
Google Tag Manager BUGFIX: A new Google Tag Manager container with GA3 & GA implementation is now available. We recommend that all customers update the container.
Tables BUGFIX: Changes to the selection of table columns are now applied without errors.